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MONEY RETREAT 2: The Value of Money in Abundance Mindset

HOW do we really feel when we have the money to buy what we really want…

…not the cheap version of it because we have “no choice”…

…but the best quality and exact representation of what we really desire?

How do we feel when we can do that?

Bob Proctor says, “The greatest gift you can give yourself is to change your paradigm and think big.

When we have the financial freedom to purchase exactly what we desire, it aligns with Proctor's idea of shifting our thinking to embrace abundance.

This feeling of alignment and fulfillment is a powerful reflection of our true worth and potential.

WHAT happens inside our body each time we have to deny ourselves what we really want to buy because we don’t have enough money for it?

And because we don’t have one hundred dollars to buy the good quality item we really want…

…we have to resentfully buy the cheap and worthless version that costs twenty dollars?

What happens inside our body each time we do that?

According to Bob Proctor, “You can’t afford to do anything. You can only afford what you believe you can afford.”

When we have to settle for less because of financial constraints, it reinforces a limiting belief that we are not worthy or deserving of more.

This creates internal conflict and stress, manifesting physically as anxiety and discomfort.

THE VALUE of money in our society is the SELF-IMAGE it gives us. Never forget what you just read. It’s important.

Each time you cannot afford to buy something, subconsciously you look down on yourself.

Each time your children ask you to buy them something and you can’t, you look down on yourself.

WHAT you may not know is that, slowly but surely, you are building within yourself an identity that remains poor and lives your whole life afraid of spending money even when you have it. WHY?

BECAUSE “for the rest of your life” you have cursed yourself with a running-away-mental-attitude from ever having to feel those feelings again.

Bob Proctor emphasizes, “Your self-image is your own belief about yourself, and it influences everything you do.” Every instance of financial limitation reinforces a negative self-image, perpetuating a cycle of scarcity and self-doubt.


Now, you are frozen in a timeline of lack, and eventually, the money you have will be gone. YOU may have your wallet filled with money, but you cannot spend it or enjoy it.

As a matter of fact, each time you think about the money you have, your body will react with anxiety.

Bob Proctor notes, “Most people are not aware of their subconscious beliefs, but those beliefs are the real cause of their lack of success.” The anxiety and discomfort around money reveal deep-seated beliefs of scarcity and unworthiness that block financial freedom and abundance.


Who inside of you is doing that?

Your self-image, the one built inside you all those times you looked down on yourself when you were not able to buy something because you did not have money.

Bob Proctor states, “You must make a decision. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.”

Understanding and transforming the self-image created by past financial limitations is essential to changing your future financial reality.



(How To Use - Inside CashTegram eBook)

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HOW do we really feel when we have the money to buy what we really want: WE FEEL worthy and deserving.

If you ask this identity or concept of self that feels worthy and deserving to perform an imaginal act in which he or she is making $100,000 a month, he or she will have no issues doing that. The images will form very fast.

Bob Proctor asserts, “When you know what you want and you know why you want it, and you know how to get it, the only thing left to do is to start believing you can have it.” A positive self-image aligned with abundance allows for rapid manifestation of financial goals.

BUT, don’t go ask the identity who feels worthless and undeserving to perform that imaginal act! You will experience a war inside you. PLUS, your brain may not even generate dopamine and oxytocin to support that imaginal act.

WHAT happens inside our body each time we have to deny ourselves what we really want to buy because we don’t have enough money for it?

WE BUILD neural pathways of poverty, lack, shame, limitations, scarcity, fear of lack, and judgment that eventually become part of the language of our DNA.

Bob Proctor emphasizes, “Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.”

Denying ourselves what we truly desire reinforces negative neural pathways, making it more challenging to shift to a mindset of abundance.


I want you to forgive the past with money. The ritual is very simple:

  • Create a REALITY BOARD of seven high-quality and expensive items of your choice. You can cut out images from magazines or create a digital board.

  • Put the real PRICE of each item on their respective picture. (Don’t listen to your body discomfort or mental arguments since you don’t yet know where I am taking you.)

  • THIS IS NOT about money. This is about you and what’s going on with your identity.

  • Then, write in past tense how it felt the days you purchased these items. Start each paragraph with: I REMEMBER WHEN… (You must have only 7 short paragraphs.) I call this writing MY NEW TESTAMENT.

  • Post a photo of your REALITY BOARD and type your entire NEW TESTAMENT in the comment box as well.

  • BEGIN to listen to and apply the secret wisdom to open your energy for money abundance by doing the course on my Spotify Podcast:

  • THE MONEY ARCHETYPE (8 Tracks) using the link provided below.

GROW a better relationship with money and clear out negative energies around spending to attract abundance. RARE INSIGHTS...


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